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TIPPLUCIFER ? sagt am 11.08.2005 14:06 zu fachmann ?:Erster Beitrag

The Sensitivity of Children tRe: UntenDURCH HANDYS

Wiener Ärztekammer warnt vor Zellveränderungen durch Verwendung von Handys vor allem bei Jugendlichen.
>Handys mit alternativen, völlig unschädlichen und sogar noch effektiveren Techniken sind bereits entwickelt worden, werden aber von den Interessengruppen, welche diese bewußt krankmachenden Handys entwickelt haben, unterdrückt. Es gibt ein aufklärendes Faltblatt: "Handy...? Mensch, wenn ich das gewußt hätte! Sag's doch weiter!" von "Bürgerwelle e.V., Dachverband der Bürger und Initiativen zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog, Siegfried Zwerenz, Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth, Tel. 09631 - 79 57 36

wenn ich keine argumente mehr habe dann komm ich mit irgendwelchen geschichteln daher. weil es gibt auch initiativen die das gegenteil behaupten und belegen können. such dir einen anderen nicknamen weil tipp ist irreführend! vielleicht lucifer oder schlange ...
Gschichterln???? >Den devil empfehlender flachmann! The Sensitivity of Children to Electromagnetic Fields In today's world, technologic developments bring social and economic benefits to large sections of society; however, the health consequences of these developments can be difficult to predict and manage. With rapid advances in electromagnetic field (EMF) technologies and communications, children are increasingly exposed to EMFs at earlier and earlier ages. Consistent epidemiologic evidence of an association between childhood leukemia and exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields has led to their classification by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a "possible human carcinogen." Concerns about the potential vulnerability of children to radio frequency (RF) fields have been raised because of the potentially greater susceptibility of their developing nervous systems; in addition, their brain tissue is more conductive, RF penetration is greater relative to head size, and they will have a longer lifetime of exposure than adults. To evaluate information relevant to children's sensitivity to both ELF and RF EMFs and to identify research needs, the World Health Organization held an expert workshop in Istanbul, Turkey, in June 2004. This article is based on discussions from the workshop and provides background information on the development of the embryo, fetus, and child, with particular attention to the developing brain; an outline of childhood susceptibility to environmental toxicants and childhood diseases implicated in EMF studies; and a review of childhood exposure to EMFs. It also includes an assessment of the potential susceptibility of children to EMFs and concludes with a recommendation for additional research and the development of precautionary policies in the face of scientific uncertainty.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Leeka Kheifets, PhD*, Michael Repacholi, PhD, Rick Saunders, PhD and Emilie van Deventer, PhD
* Department of Epidemiology, University of California School of Public Health, Los Angeles, California Radiation and Environmental Health, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Key Words: children • environmental risk • policies • sensitive periods • mobile phones • electromagnetic fields • power lines

Abbreviations: ELF, extremely low frequency • IARC, International Agency for Research on Cancer • RF, radio frequency • EMF, electromagnetic field • WHO, World Health Organization • CNS, central nervous system • ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia • AML, acute myeloblastic leukemia • SAR, specific absorption rate


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